Posts by Matt Rowntree

Why Fintechs need to learn from customer experience
Fintech 21 May 19

Why Fintechs need to learn from customer experience

Poor customer experience (CX) is the biggest reason for consumers and businesses to switch suppliers. The bar is set high by digital-first organizations that beat traditional...

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How financial institutions can leverage the intelligent automation revolution
Fintech 13 May 19

How financial institutions can leverage the intelligent automation revolution

Intelligent automation, also known as robotic process automation (RPA), is the latest stage in reducing inefficiencies in manual work. Its roots go way back to the days of...

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Small can still be powerful: why innovation for community and regional banks is important
Fintech 2 May 19

Small can still be powerful: why innovation for community and regional banks is important

With changes afoot in the market, such as Open Banking, many barriers to switching banks have been removed. If customers aren’t satisfied, it is now much easier for them to...

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International payments and FX: the Trojan Horse fuelling success for Neobanks
Fintech 30 April 19

International payments and FX: the Trojan Horse fuelling success for Neobanks

What’s driving the ongoing success of Neobanks? Innovative customer interfaces and ease of use are just two of the factors. Less well documented is the growing need for new...

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Collaborative disruption – why Fintech is a friend to community banking
Fintech 22 April 19

Collaborative disruption – why Fintech is a friend to community banking

The way banks serve their customers is changing. In retail and now increasingly in commercial banking, expectations have been raised by digital and mobile user experiences,...

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Why banking providers must deliver on digital transformation to remain competitive
Fintech 15 April 19

Why banking providers must deliver on digital transformation to remain competitive

Banking used to be considered a difficult sector to disrupt. Regulation aside, customer inertia proved strong and a personal relationship with the branch manager was all that...

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Keeping secure requires robust measures, but there is a solution
Fintech 9 April 19

Keeping secure requires robust measures, but there is a solution

Cyber-security and data protection are rapidly growing concerns for any business that feels unprepared to deal with the consequences of a hack. Whilst stringent measures are...

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5 challenges businesses can overcome to trade internationally
Fintech 8 April 19

5 challenges businesses can overcome to trade internationally

Being a business owner today is incredibly exciting, in part because there are fewer barriers to international trade. Decisions can be made at speed (based on greater access...

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The new reality of the financial services sector
Fintech 1 April 19

The new reality of the financial services sector

The open banking movement, along with changing regulations such as PSD2, are shifting customer expectations and driving significant change in the financial services industry.

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Payments for the unbanked: how technology is driving financial inclusion
Fintech 26 March 19

Payments for the unbanked: how technology is driving financial inclusion

In some areas of the world, such as the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa, a high proportion of adults are still ‘unbanked’. This effectively means that they are potentially...

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