Fintech 1 February 17

Fintech needs to embrace simplicity

By: Currencycloud
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You may think Fintech has few lessons to learn from modern art but you’d be wrong.

Hans Hoffman, one of abstract expressionism’s leading lights, famously said “the ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

Look around our funny little world of Fintech.

Hand on heart, how many of us are truly trying to eliminate the unnecessary for our customers? To prune the roses and cut back the thorns?

Chris Skinner recently published a piece: 11 Fintech and Banking trends you need to follow.

Number one on his list was ‘removing friction from the customer journey’.

Amen brother.

It’s hard to disagree with such a noble sentiment from our movement’s mensch.

But it got me thinking.

Why do we need to be told to eliminate the unnecessary? Isn’t that revealing?

To me it means we haven’t absorbed the lessons on Design Thinking.

Google’s home page and its stunning simplicity.

Amazon’s one-click buy button.

Nest’s thermostat which is so sleek and simple my two-year-old son could use it.

These are the examples we need to emulate.

So, let’s not allow the seamless simplicity of Monzo’s sign-up process to be the exception.

Let’s make sure the clarion call for simplicity is heeded.

That way, we won’t have to be told to trim the fat from customer journeys in Fintech.

By: Currencycloud
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