First held in 1911 and adopted by the United Nations in 1975, International Women’s Day is not just a celebration of women around the world – it’s about championing equality. This year’s theme is Balance for Better, because by seeking a balance between men and women, we can build a better world for everyone.
Crucially, balance is not just a women’s issue. It’s also a business issue and one that we at Currencycloud take seriously. The fintech industry is all about looking at what exists now, and how we can innovate to make life better and easier for everyone. It’s why, to celebrate International Women’s Day 2019, we spoke to some of the leading women in fintech about the skills they bring to the industry, who has inspired them and what advice they would give to future generations.
There are so many successful women with amazing stories in the world today. By sharing some of those stories in the ebook that we have created, we hope they will inspire you to write your own and help us all to achieve a better, gender-balanced world. #balanceforbetter
Download and read the ebook now to find out more